Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository


Master of Science




Dr. Tom Daley

2nd Supervisor

Dr. Mark Darling

Joint Supervisor

3rd Supervisor

Dr. Michael Shimizu

Joint Supervisor



This study analyzed the immunohistochemical staining, localization and relative concentrations of human kallikreins (KLKs) 6,7,8,10,13,14 to determine if there is a predilection for odontogenic epithelium and if differential staining could predict biological behavior of selected odontogenic lesions.

We found that all KLKs studied were present in the epithelium of all lesions examined. However, there were significant differences in location of intra-epithelial staining and staining scores between the lesions. There was no significant, unexplainable difference in staining between odontogenic cysts and the control cyst indicating no specific role in odontogenic cystogenesis. However, the odontogenic neoplasms showed statistically significant increased expression of KLK13, supported by increases in KLK10, suggesting a role in odontogenic neoplasia. Our data indicate that this is a secondary role, not related to cell cycling, but likely related to differentiation. We suggest that KLKs 13 and 10 may be useful as in-situ markers on tissue sections to screen for aggressiveness of odontogenic tumors.
