Electrical and Computer Engineering Publications
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
12th International Conference on Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems
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The rapid growth of the smartphone market and its increasing revenue has motivated developers to target multiple platforms. Market leaders, such as Apple, Google, and Microsoft, develop their smartphone applications complying with their platform specifications. The specification of each platform makes a platform-dedicated application incompatible with other platforms due to the diversity of operating systems, programming languages, and design patterns. Conventional development methodologies are applied to smartphone applications, yet they perform less well. Smartphone applications have unique hardware and software requirements. All previous factors push smartphone developers to build less sophisticated and low-quality products when targeting multiple smartphone platforms. Model-driven development have been considered to generate smartphone applications from abstract models to alleviate smartphones platform fragmentation. Reusing these abstract models for other platforms was not considered because they do not fit new platforms requirements. It is possible that defining smartphone applications using a portability-driven modeling notation would facilitate smartphone developers to understand better their applications to be ported to other platforms. We call for a portability-driven modeling notation to be used within a smartphone development process. Our in-process research work will be manifested through the application of a domain-specific language complying with the three software portability principles and three design factors. This paper aims to highlight our research work, methodology and current statue.
Citation of this paper:
1. Ghandorh H., Capretz L.F. and Nassif A.B. In Need of a Domain-Specific Language Modeling Notation for Smartphone Applications with Portable Capability, 12th International Conference on Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems, Rome, Italy, pp. 218-227, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 9228), Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-23144-0_20, August 2015.
Included in
Computer Engineering Commons, Electrical and Computer Engineering Commons, Software Engineering Commons
The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-23144-0_20.