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This paper attempts to understand motivators and de-motivators that influence the decisions of software professionals to take up and sustain software testing careers across four different countries, i.e. Canada, China, Cuba, and India. The research question can be framed as “How many software professionals across different geographies are keen to take up testing careers, and what are the reasons for their choices?” Towards that, we developed a cross-sectional but simple survey-based instrument. In this study we investigated how software testers perceived and valued what they do and their environmental settings. The study pointed out the importance of visualizing software testing activities as a set of human-dependent tasks and emphasized the need for research that examines critically individual assessments of software testers about software testing activities. This investigation can help global industry leaders to understand the impact of work-related factors on the motivation of testing professionals, as well as inform and support management and leadership in this context.


Also available in online conference proceedings at https://doi.org/10.1109/ICSE-Companion.2019.00105

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Citation of this paper:

Capretz L.F., Waychal P., Jia J., Varona D., Lizama Y., Studies on the Software Testing Profession, 41st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE-SEIP), Montreal, Canada, pp. 262-263, DOI: 10.1109/ICSE-Companion.2019.00105, IEEE Press, May 2019.

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