Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science




Dr. Fred Longstaffe

Second Advisor

Dr. Joanne Potter

Third Advisor

Dr. Roberta Flemming


The Avalonian Mira terrane of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada is composed mainly of late Proterozoic volcanic-plutonic-sedimentary rocks that formed in an evolved magmatic arc along the margin of Gondwana. The purpose of this study is to determine the source(s) and timing of the 18O-depletion that has affected the 620 Ma Huntington Mountain pluton and East Bay Hills volcanic suite of the Mira terrane. Plutonic and volcanic rock samples have oxygen-, hydrogen- and carbon-isotope values of-6.3 to +14.3‰, -93 to -56‰, and -7.4 to +0.1‰, respectively. These values likely signal the interaction of meteoric-dominated hydrothermal fluids with the Himtington Mountain pluton and East Bay Hills volcanic suite. The occurrence of widespread, pervasive propylitic alteration and the absence of a localized pattern of oxygen-isotope anomalies suggest that the 18O-depletion arose during initial rifting of the Mira terrane from Gondwana, ca. 575-560 Ma.



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