Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Engineering Science


Mechanical and Materials Engineering


Dr. Hsi-Yung (Steve) Feng

Second Advisor

Dr. Ralph O. Buchal


A novel algorithm for accurate and efficient evaluation of straightness is presented in this thesis. The algorithm starts with an initial solution and verifies if it is the global solution, based on the minimum zone for a subset of points rule as well as the proposed polygon expansion method. If the initial solution is not global, a final solution is computed by the polygon expansion method. It is based on the construction of convex polygons including the furthest point from the corresponding minimum zone edge of the polygon and thereby ensuring that, all the vertices of the polygon are vertices of the convex hull for the same set of points. Being a computational geometric approach, the present method always guarantees the miniminn zone. Moreover the expected computational complexity of the proposed method is less than the complexity of 0(n log n) of the existing techniques based on the convex hull. These techniques construct the convex hull for the set of points and then evaluate its edges to find the minimum zone whereas the convex polygon in the proposed method is only a part of the convex hull for the same points. The same data sets obtained from previous work, were used to determine the accuracy of the present method which matches with the best results published so far. From the simulated data, the efficiency is validated by the polygon size which is up to four times smaller than the convex hull size for uniformly distributed points in rectangle.



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