A chance at birth: power, privilege and hierarchy in educational contexts

Session Type



FNB 2220

Start Date

4-7-2019 10:00 AM


inclusive education

Primary Threads

Teaching and Learning Science


We use a physical and reflective activity to identify and unpack the consequences of social power structures. By walking in the shoes of others we will generate both a broad discussion on the role of privilege in education and ways in which we can position our pedagogies toward equity.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License

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Jul 4th, 10:00 AM

A chance at birth: power, privilege and hierarchy in educational contexts

FNB 2220

We use a physical and reflective activity to identify and unpack the consequences of social power structures. By walking in the shoes of others we will generate both a broad discussion on the role of privilege in education and ways in which we can position our pedagogies toward equity.