Towards a shared vision for addressing student equity, diversity and inclusion in STEM disciplines
Session Type
FNB 2220
Start Date
5-7-2019 10:30 AM
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, STEM education
Primary Threads
Teaching and Learning Science
The Science Student Diversity Initiative (SDI) at the University of British Columbia (UBC) has a mandate to embed strategies and practices of Inclusive Excellence (IE) (Williams et al., 2005) into all areas of student experience. The Science SDI will specifically focus on addressing equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in science courses and curriculum at our institution through building capacity to sustain best practices and to build an inclusive campus culture.
The literature on EDI in STEM is vast, and emerges from different scholarly communities, each with distinct research traditions and concerns. These sources include educational work in K-12 contexts, educational psychology, and discipline-based education research, all of which contribute to our knowledge of how to understand and best serve the experiences of underrepresented groups in STEM. The IE framework that we will employ has been used extensively in the context of North American institutions but not in the context of Canadian institutions. As part of the Science SDI work, we will explore ways to effectively adapt/adopt the IE framework.
Modelling a recently held faculty SDI workshop at the Faculty of Science at UBC, in this workshop, we will invite participants to create a shared vision for EDI in STEM disciplines in the Canadian context. The workshop will explore three main ideas: identifying current challenges and opportunities, learning from participants’ practices and institutions, and visualizing a campus culture in which all students are equitably supported to succeed. Using a strengths-based approach, participants will engage in a visioning exercise. Overall, the workshop will build knowledge and capacity for educators to begin to address equity, diversity and inclusion in their own institutional contexts.
Elements of Engagement
Participants will engage in small group activities such as brainstorming, visioning and discussions.Some example of discussion question(s) will be:
Thinking about your own work or experience with students, where does EDI show up? What’s working? What makes this work successful? What challenges still need to be addressed?
In your opinion, what would be one possible feature of an inclusive learning environment in STEM? What are your ideas about the importance of, and possibly your strategies for, supporting equity, diversity and inclusion in your own experience and context?
After the workshop, and with participant consent, we will collate all the responses and generate a brief summary of emerging ideas towards a vision for addressing EDI in STEM and will share it back with interested participants.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
Towards a shared vision for addressing student equity, diversity and inclusion in STEM disciplines
FNB 2220
The Science Student Diversity Initiative (SDI) at the University of British Columbia (UBC) has a mandate to embed strategies and practices of Inclusive Excellence (IE) (Williams et al., 2005) into all areas of student experience. The Science SDI will specifically focus on addressing equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in science courses and curriculum at our institution through building capacity to sustain best practices and to build an inclusive campus culture.
The literature on EDI in STEM is vast, and emerges from different scholarly communities, each with distinct research traditions and concerns. These sources include educational work in K-12 contexts, educational psychology, and discipline-based education research, all of which contribute to our knowledge of how to understand and best serve the experiences of underrepresented groups in STEM. The IE framework that we will employ has been used extensively in the context of North American institutions but not in the context of Canadian institutions. As part of the Science SDI work, we will explore ways to effectively adapt/adopt the IE framework.
Modelling a recently held faculty SDI workshop at the Faculty of Science at UBC, in this workshop, we will invite participants to create a shared vision for EDI in STEM disciplines in the Canadian context. The workshop will explore three main ideas: identifying current challenges and opportunities, learning from participants’ practices and institutions, and visualizing a campus culture in which all students are equitably supported to succeed. Using a strengths-based approach, participants will engage in a visioning exercise. Overall, the workshop will build knowledge and capacity for educators to begin to address equity, diversity and inclusion in their own institutional contexts.