Student Information

Kelly Zhang ZhengFollow

Supervisor Name

Laurel Austin


virtual care, covid-19, ontario


Virtual care is defined as "any form of health care delivered without the patient and the physician being present in the same physical location". Although smartphones and laptops have been used by people for decades, virtual care was rarely used by patients. Since COVID-19, an increasing number of people started to seek virtual care. This infographic introduces Ontario virtual care before and during COVID-19, and shows key factors that helped accelerate the shift to virtual care.


I would like to express my gratitude to Professor Laurel Austin, who supported and guided me with patience throughout the research process. I also want to thank Marisa Kfrerer, who provided suggestions to improve the research output. Lastly, special thanks to the support of Western Undergraduate Student Research Intern Program, which gave me the opportunity to have this valuable research experience this summer.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License

Document Type




Enablers and Drivers of the Rapid Shift to Virtual Care in Ontario During COVID-19

Virtual care is defined as "any form of health care delivered without the patient and the physician being present in the same physical location". Although smartphones and laptops have been used by people for decades, virtual care was rarely used by patients. Since COVID-19, an increasing number of people started to seek virtual care. This infographic introduces Ontario virtual care before and during COVID-19, and shows key factors that helped accelerate the shift to virtual care.