2015 Undergraduate Awards
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The present study investigated the impact of type of Facebook use on well-being. Participants who spent time viewing and updating their own profiles were hypothesized to report higher life satisfaction and happiness than participants who spent time viewing other people’s profiles. Self-reported Facebook use and personality trait measures were also investigated. A total of 56 female students enrolled in Psychology 1000 at Brescia University College participated in the study. Participants completed six questionnaires (personality assessment, self-esteem scale, narcissism scale, Facebook use questionnaire, satisfaction with life scale, and subjective happiness scale) and were randomly assigned to one of three conditions consisting of a 10-minute computer task (i.e. either own-profile viewing, other-profile viewing, or a control group). A between-subjects oneway Anova showed no significant relationship between the experimental groups and measures of well-being. Various personality traits were significantly correlated with self-reported Facebook use. Facebook use’s impact on well-being remains unclear and requires further research.
Image by Sebastiaan ter Burg, licensed under CC BY 2.0.