2015 Undergraduate Awards
Submissions from 2015
Expression of HIV-1 Gag and Env Genes Using the Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Vector System, Justine Baek
Peter Pan and Coraline: Gender’s Impact on Mapping Psychoanalysis onto Physical Spaces, Theresa Bailie
An Evidential Review of Police Misconduct: Officer versus Organization, Emma Rose Bonanno
Not so “Black and White” An Examination of the Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Research of the Afrocentric School Debate, Emma Rose Bonanno
Not in My Name, Brittany Lynn Cartwright
Libretto, Emily Copeland
Two Kinds of Ends in Themselves in Kant’s Moral Theory, David Hakim
As Lauce Leues of Pe Boke: Cleanness and the Perils of Vernacular Reading, Michelle Harder
The Westray Mine Incident: Corporate Violence and Governmental Crime as the Roots of Disaster, Melissa Hughes
The Play the Critics Could Not See: Djuna Barnes’s The Dove, Luke Jennings
Effects of Caffeine in Operant Learning and Locomotor Activity, Daniel Kharlas
Dead Animals: Uncanny and Abject Imagery in Ann Quin’s Berg, Jennifer Komorowski
Out of Bounds: The Mad Scientist Figure in the Nineteenth Century, Jessica MacDonald
Effects of Caffeine on Memory in Rats, Cisse Nakeyar
Solidarity is for White Women, Aramide Odutayo
Hidden Histories and Collections: Discovering the Underbelly Project, Kelsey Perreault
The Silver Bullet to Ontario’s Organ Shortage: The Case for Presumed Consent for Post-mortem Organ Donations, Taylor Rodrigues
Facebook: Social Benefit or Social Problem?, Ana Ruiz Pardo
A “New Harmony”: Intertextuality and Quotation in Toru Takemitsu’s Folio III, Rebecca Shaw
Childhood Innocence, Childhood Complicity, and Questions of the Future in Mother Courage and Far Away, Tamara Spencer
The Impersonal is Personal: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women through the Lens of Roberto Esposito’s Third Person, Claire Windsor
Fate of Notochord Cells in Murine Models of Injury and Ageinduced Intervertebral Disc Degeneration, Cynthia Yeung
The Technologization of Politics: The Internet and the Electronic Citizen, Charlotte Yun
Submissions from 2014
The Social Media Paradox: An Examination of the Illusion Versus the Reality of Social Media, Emma Rose Bonanno