
Sociological Imagination: Western’s Undergraduate Sociology Student Journal

Article Title

Everyday Life and Mobile Technologies


Our relations with the physical world, with others and ourselves, is becoming mediated through technologies, which have increasingly become accessible, diffuse, and invisible, to the point where we often do not think about them or how they impact our experiences. Mobile technologies, such as cell phones, have altered our sense of space and temporality in ways we often do not notice, as conceptualised by Agger as "iTime". However, these forms of technology have now increasingly been used by people as tactics to combat alienation and disenchantment in their everyday life. In this essay, I show how cell phones, MP3 players, and the growing emergence of ubiquitous computing highlight ways that individuals can use technology to engage with their environments and with each other, embedding spaces with new meaning and reinventing them. I also raise some concerns about the capabilities of these mobile technologies.

This document is now available on OJS
