Document Type


Publication Date

Winter 12-4-2017


Health Studies 4711A: Gerontology in Practice

Community Partner

Highview Residences


Transitions in Care are challenging for people with dementia due to impairments in communication and disorientation from being in a foreign environment. Transitions in care have lead to incidents of unnecessary physical and chemical restraints of this vulnerable population. To investigate how to optimize care transitions, qualitative descriptive information was collected through three personal interviews to gain a broader understanding of mechanisms of care transitions in London, ON. After conducting interviews and literature review, the CARED Tool was developed. The CARED Tool promotes social inclusion of patients with dementia through recognizing that people with dementia have complex needs, thereby allowing dementia care to be specialized to cater to such needs. The Tool emphasizes Patient-Centered Communication and Relationship-Centered Care. Integration of the tool will improve quality of care for people with dementia during care transitions.


Presentation date: Monday, November 27, 2017 in UCC 66 (WALS - Western Active Learning Classroom)
