Undergraduate Honors Theses
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Racial Disparities Contribution to PTSD Treatment Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis, Jeffrey Alan Bontrager
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
The Relationship Between Alcohol Use and Violent Crime at the Country Level, Mackenzie C. Smith
Optimizing Music Learning: The Effects of Contextual Interference on Memorization, Carmen Andrea Wong
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Do Visual-Olfactory Associations Strengthen the Real-Object Preference?, Carly V. Goodman
Do Narcissism levels affect conflict resolution when their ego is threatened? An Experiment, Laura E. Harper
Influence of Feedback Modality on Motor Sequence Learning, Heba Hussian
Formation of Implicit Memories from a Narrative Played During Sleep, Amanat Ludhar
Using Visual Stimuli to Investigate Cross-Modal Plasticity in the Deaf, Efterpi Marinis
Comparing Executive Functions in Dancers Versus Aerobic Exercisers: A Study on Older Adults, Jai S. Ravipati
Exploring the Relationship Between Misophonia Severity and Anterior Insular Cortex Activity, Nicole M J Sedlak
The Effects of Verbalizable Features on Category Learning Strategies, Marwan A. Syed
Does Psychological Resilience Affect the Relationship Between Adverse Childhood Experience and Self-Regulation?, Jiacheng Yu
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Meditating in Virtual Reality: Psychotherapeutic Applications of VR Beyond Exposure Therapy, Divya Mistry
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
The Effect of Knowledge of Upcoming Haptic Feedback on Normal and Pantomime Grasps, Nathan J. Katz
Evil Geniuses at Work: Does Intelligence Interact with the Dark Triad to Predict Workplace Deviance?, Irene Y. Zhang and Richard D. Goffin PhD
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Reaching-to-grasp my intention: Relating communication skill with social action, Jennifer A. Cooper
Dynamics of Motor System Excitability during Auditory Anticipation, Justine Czajka
The Resiliency Scale for Young Adults Revisited, Sabrina Ford, Don H. Saklofske Ph.D., and Claire Wilson MSc
Different Types of Love in Polyamory: Between Primary and Secondary, HaoJun (Vivie) Jiang
Correlation Between Automatic Processing of Symbolic and Non-symbolic Magnitudes in Children, Jake M B Kaufman
Examining a Normative Model of Stress Using Choice Under Risk, Zarmina Khan
The Influence of Discrepant Sexual Ideals on Relationship Dissolution, Samantha Medd
What is the “Cognitive” in Cognitive Diversity? Investigating the Convergent Validity of Cognitive Diversity Measures, Alyssa M. Pandolfo
Attentional Bias Measured in the Addiction Stroop Task for Problem Internet Gamers, Samantha Marie Rundle
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to assess Motor System Excitability Fluctuations during Auditory Anticipation and Beat Perception, Johannes G.P Teselink
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Demographic Faultlines and Team Cohesion on Team Performance, Maya S. Budovitch
The Relationship between Nature Relatedness, Trait Emotional Intelligence and Well-Being, Priscilla R. Gerofsky and Priscilla R. Gerofsky
Improving Patient Adherence: A Look at Causal Knowledge, Treatment Credibility, and Treatment Expectancy, Kyra L. Mackenzie
The Mental Number Line in Domestic Chicks, Samantha Noyek
The Dark Triad beyond the SPI: Providing Incremental Validity in Predicting Prosocial and Risky Behaviours, rui sun and Don H. Saklofske Ph.D.
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Identifying the Prevalence of the “Dark Triad” Personality Traits in Law Students: Eradicating an Unwarranted Stereotype, Jacob I. Newton
Empirical Validation of an Executive Function Battery for use in Childhood and Adolescence, Emma K. Phillips
Effect of Olfaction on the Perception of Movie Clips, Nikita A. Wong
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Selecting and Striving for Goals, Angela Allan
Effects of Classroom Design and Atmosphere towards Affective Reactions and Memory of Content, Brittney Bonnick
The 4D-Model of Trauma-Related Dissociation: Validating a Novel Theoretical Framework Through an Attachment-Oriented Approach, Matthew F D Brown
Condom Use Among Young Males, Michelle E. Camilleri
The Relationship Between Emotion Regulation and Executive Functioning After Sleep Restriction in Healthy Preschool Children, Jessica R. Danilewitz
The Relation of Social Dominance Orientation to Moral Decision-Making Using a Process Dissociation Approach, Nicole SJ Dryburgh
Behavioral Inhibition and Parent Reported Anxiety Symptoms in Early Childhood: Moderation by Child Sex, Michelle Dzialakiewicz
Punchline Predictability, Comprehension Speed, and Joke Funniness: Investigating Incongruity Theories of Humour, Robert J. Fearman
Individual Differences in Ownership Reasoning: A Twin Study, Callista Forchuk
The Effects of Drinking on University Grades: Does Academic Motivation Play a Role?, Jennifer Gilbert
The Interaction Between Spatial Working and Reference Memory in Rats on a Radial Maze, Nicole Ann Guitar
Investigating the Effects of Header Display Formats on Reading Webpages, Matthew J. Hennessy
Familiarity-Based Object Recognition across Animacy and Real-World Size, Sheldon Hill
Investigating Transposed Letter Effects in Korean using Masked Priming, Arum Song Yi Jeong
Humour Styles and Negative Intimate Relationship Events, Chong Liang
Risk Behaviours and Service Use Intensity in Child Mental Health Care, Hayley A. Mangotich
The Effects of Musical Mood and Musical Arousal on Visual Attention, Angela B. Marti Marca, Tram Nguyen, and Jessica Grahn
Does Participation in an Inpatient Psychiatric Adventure-Based Counseling (ABC) Program Improve Client Outcome on Intrapersonal Criminogenic Risk Factors?, Jeremy M. Reinblatt
Adventure Based Counselling: Promoting Positive Interpersonal Behaviour in Mentally Ill Offenders, Taylor C. Salisbury
Early-Emerging Behavioral Inhibition: Contextual and Sex Differences in Linkages with Anxiety Vulnerability, Meagan E. Scott
Where do I know that? A distributed multimodal model of semantic knowledge, Kevin M. Stubbs
Independent Component Analysis of Self-Referential Processing in Women with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Elizabeth Thornley