Date of Submission
Document Type
Doctor of Education
Collaboration, Transformational Leadership, Building Relationships
This Organizational Improvement Plan (OIP) explores how a school principal can create a culture of collaboration among teachers. The OIP’s problem of practice emerged due to a lack of collaboration among teachers at a school. School data revealed that the lack of collaboration directly impacted teacher classroom practice and ultimately student achievement. Two change theories, the Change Path Model (Cawsey, Deszca, & Ingles, 2016) and the Appreciative Inquiry Model (Cooperrider & Srivastva, 1987) influenced the thinking behind the organizational change plan. Within the organizational change plan, building relationships by developing trust through transformational leadership and creating professional learning communities through a focus on leadership approaches have been developed as priorities.
The literature clearly points out that no matter the leadership approach or change theory employed, it is the recipients of change that will ultimately determine the success or failure of the OIP’s problem of practice. Focusing on an appreciative approach through the Appreciative Inquiry Model, developing trust, and building capacity of teachers has been explored and found to be significant contributing factors in the change process. These constructs support the change of becoming a thriving culture of teachers collaborating to improve their practice and ultimately improving student achievement.
Key Words: Transformational Leadership, Collaboration, Professional Learning Communities, Organizational Change, Building Relationships.
Recommended Citation
McCann-Kyte, C. (2019). Building a Culture of Collaboration. The Organizational Improvement Plan at Western University, 91. Retrieved from