Date of Submission


Document Type



Doctor of Education




Indigenous, Two-Eyed Seeing, Culturally Responsive Leadership, Public School, Academic Achievement


In 2015, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada released its 94 ‘calls to action’ to address the atrocities of residential schools, while providing guidance to support reconciliation. Education was identified as one area where reform is necessary. Within the Nikosis Public School Division (NPSD) (a pseudonym), Indigenous students experience significantly lower academic results than their non-Indigenous peers. The colonized approach to education founded heavily on Eurocentric ideology lacks cultural connections that relate to Indigenous students. This Organizational Improvement Plan (OIP) will focus on Buffalo Elementary (a pseudonym) and look to support stronger cultural connections as a method to provide a more welcoming and engaging environment. This idea is based on the premise that if students feel more welcome and accepted, then there is a greater opportunity to thrive academically. This OIP will look to increase Indigenous Knowledges and culture within the school so it is valued alongside the Westernized perspective. A critical social justice lens will be used as a framework given its foundations in supporting marginalized and oppressed populations to work toward more equitable solutions. The change leader will draw from authentic and culturally responsive leadership approaches to strengthen relationships between the school and the Indigenous community as this relationship will be critical. The intent of the OIP is to eradicate the achievement gap at Buffalo Elementary that currently exists between Indigenous and non-Indigenous students with the goal of implementing successful practices into other schools in the division.
