This collection contains theses and dissertations from the Department of Neuroscience, collected from the Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
The Effect of High-frequency Cortical Stimulation on SEEG-recorded Interictal Epileptiform Discharges, Ahdyie Ahmadi
Responding when time is of the essence: An analysis of signal timing in the macaque superior colliculus during reflexive visually guided reaching, Amirhossein Asadian
Investigating the neuroprotective effects of pharmacological Bax inhibition, Jordyn Beda
Therapeutic Promise and Insights for Parkinson's Disease from the Living Brain, Simon M. Benoit
Motivational Consequences of Unsuccessful Memory Retrieval, Gregory Brooks
Hippocampal neural substrates of spatial navigation in marmosets freely moving in 3 dimensions, Diego Fernando Buitrago Piza
An Exploration of Causal Cognition in Large Language Models, Vicky Chang
Electroencephalography of the Induction of Out of Body Experience Using Virtual Reality, Gratiana Chen
Investigating the role of ATF4 in models of Parkinson's disease, Matthew D. Demmings
Cholinergic Modulation of Parvalbumin Neurons in Attention, Marcus A. Doyle
Outclimbing Cognitive Decline: Age, Western Diet, Resistance Exercise, and the Brain., Leila Dzinic
Multi-finger configurations: a paradigm to study learning novel muscle synergies, Ali Ghavampour
Oscillator Network Spectra, Chimeras, and Transient Dynamics in the Non-Asymptotic Limit, James W. Graham
Assessing Cognition and Quality of Life in People With Epilepsy: A Feasibility Study, Hannah Gabrielle Gray
Hippocampal Subfield Volumes and Spatial Memory Performance in Older Adults At Risk for Developing Type 2 Diabetes, Jennifer Hanna Al-Shaikh
Statistical Learning in the Hippocampus and Neocortical Regions: Evidence From Intracranial Neural Entrainment, Daniela Herrera Chaves
Developing a Novel Touchscreen-based Test of Cognitive Judgement Bias, Ashlyn Hersey
The Influence of Familiarity on Neural Correlates of Rhythm and Beat Perception, Joshua Hoddinott
Harnessing Implicit Learning to Support the Discovery of Second Language Phoneme Patterns in Adult Learners, Émilie R. Hoeppner
Improving Diagnosis and Prognosis in Acute Severe Brain Injury, Karnig Kazazian
Examining Sex and Gender Differences in Cognitive Recovery of Cardiac Arrest and Myocardial Infarction, Sophie A. Kelly
Investigating the Effect of Apolipoprotein E4 on Attention Following Repeated Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries in hAPP and hMapt mice, Khashayar Khasheeipour
Examining macropinocytosis regulation and its role in Alzheimer's Disease, Jordan M. Krupa
Analyzing Sensory Gating Capacity in Misophonia, Facundo Federico Lodol
Investigating the Effect of APOE4 on Attention and Pattern Separation in New Mouse Models of Alzheimer’s Disease Risk, Madison Longmuir
The Nature of Reflexes in Online Planning and Control, Pranshu Malik
Characterizing The Auditory Processing Alterations At The Electrophysiological Neuronal Level In The Cntnap2-/- Rat Model Of Autism, Rajkamalpreet S. Mann
Infant Communication Outcomes Relate to Language Network Connectivity in Utero, Rutva Master
Sex Differences in Sucrose Sensitization, Vangel Matic
Cortical Thickness Changes as a Potential Biomarker for Epilepsy in People with First-Time Unprovoked Seizure, Keza T. Motlana
Investigation of a TRIM28 novel variant linked to intellectual disability, Niloofar Namavari
Early Isoform-dependent Effects of Human Apolipoprotein E on Alzheimer’s disease Pathobiology, Dika A. Ojiakor
Cognitive Changes in Early Untreated Parkinson's Disease, Kunj Patel
Investigation of Human Stem Cell-Derived Network Development Using In Vitro Microelectrode Arrays, Kartik Pradeepan
Striatal Dopamine Neuromodulation in Cognitive Function During Health and Disease, Oren Princz-Lebel
The Effect of a Single Bout of Sub-Symptom Threshold Aerobic Exercise on Executive Function During Early Sport-Related Concussion Recovery, Alma Rahimidarabad
The Effects of Amyloid-Beta 42 Oligomers on Alpha-synuclein Clearance, Diana Romadina
The Neurodevelopmental Consequences of Prenatal Cannabinoid Exposure: Pathological Impacts in the Mesocorticolimbic System and Exploratory Therapeutic Interventions, Mohammed Sarikahya
Frontoparietal Circuitry Underlying Saccade Control in the Common Marmoset, Janahan Selvanayagam
Understanding the Foundations: Systemic Inflammation’s Role in Chronic Axial Pain and Treatment Response, Thivya Sivarajan
Investigating Synergistic Effects of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Reduced Cholinergic Tone on Attentional Deficits and Alzheimer's-Like Pathology in hAβ and hTau mice, Elizabeth M. Teasell
Segmentation of intracranial electrode contacts using convolutional neural networks, Arun Thurairajah
Posture Dependant Changes in Perceptual Threshold During Light Touch Foot Sole Stimulation, Justin Watts
The Impact of Emotional Sounds on Arousal and Task Performance, Brian Wu
Towards Understanding and Improving Speech Processing, Sonia Yasmin
Validation of a virtual auditory space, and its use to investigate how pitch and spatial cues contribute to perceptual segregation of auditory streams, Nima Zargarnezhad
The Neural Basis of Altered Acoustic Processing in Cntnap2 Knock-out Rats, Alice Zheng
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Invariant Object Recognition in Deep Neural Networks and Humans, Haider Al-Tahan
Structural magnetic resonance imaging in Parkinson’s disease and rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder, Erind Alushaj
The Modulation of LFP Characteristics In The Freely Moving Common Marmoset, William JM Assis
The effects of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on conditioned disgust: Expanding the rodent model of lithium chloride (LiCl)-induced anticipatory nausea, Indra R. Bishnoi
Multimodal connectivity of the human basal forebrain, Sudesna Chakraborty
Neural dynamics of visual processes in challenging visibility conditions, Saba Charmi Motlagh
Neural responses in the lateral prefrontal cortex and hippocampus of macaques navigating virtual environments, Benjamin W. Corrigan
The Roles of Vestibular and Proprioceptive Signals in Updating Spatial Selective Auditory Attention during Head Motion, Erisa Davoudi
The Combined Effects of Physical Exercise and Cognitive Training on Gait Speed and Primary Motor Cortex Metabolism in Individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment: A 1H-MRS Analysis, Jack Thomas Emsey Elkas
Investigating the Age-Dependent Impact of Lactate Dehydrogenase on Cognition in Flies and Mice, Ariel Khaya Frame
Cholinergic Regulation of Alzheimer's-Like Pathology, Liliana German-Castelan
Modelling Prenatal Hypoxia As A Risk Factor For Schizophrenia Vulnerability In Patient-Derived Cerebral Organoids, Dana M. Gummerson
The Role of Serotonin in the Estradiol-dependent Selectivity of Auditory Regions in Songbirds, Calista J. Henry
Fraction Magnitude Understanding Across Learning Formats: an fMRI Study, Chloe A. Henry
Chemogenetic modulation of microglial activity in vivo, Aja Hogan-Cann
Neural Dynamics of Target Processing in Attentional Blink, Mansoure Jahanian
The sensory properties of the fast visuomotor system, Rebecca Kozak
Neurocognitive Mechanisms & Genetic Variants Underlying Apathy in Neurodegenerative Dementias, Rubina Malik
The Effect of Prenatal THC Exposure on ASD-Relevant Sensorimotor Behaviour in Rats, Melvin Maroon
Perceptual benefits from long-term exposure to naturalistic sound patterns, Bruno A. Mesquita
Sex Differences in Mood and Anxiety-Related Outcomes in Response to Adolescent Nicotine Exposure, Tsun Hay Jason Ng
Exploring Brain-Derived Progenitor Cells as a therapeutic delivery system to Glioblastoma, Andrew T. Olin
Neuropsychological Outcomes After Cardiac Surgery: A Pilot Feasibility Study, Sydni G. Paleczny
Exploring the role of the ATRX chromatin remodeling protein in mouse astrocytes, Miguel A. Pena-Ortiz
Category Learning DLPFC Single-Dissociation by fNIRS, Tim Qiu
Quantifying Neuromelanin Content Across Varying Magnetic Field Strengths: A Comparative Analysis, Laiba Rizwan
Aging Effects on the Motivational Consequences of Unsuccessful Memory Recall, Rachel Sargeson
Neural correlates of online movement preparation, Mahdiyar Shahbazi
Selective recruitment of cerebellum in cognition, Ladan Shahshahani
Temporal dynamics of natural sound categorization, Ali Tafakkor
Investigating Task-Free Functional Connectivity Patterns in Newborns Using functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, Homa Vahidi
LBNP reduces cerebral perfusion but does not impact executive function, James Van Riesen
Assessing the Neurological Sequelae of COVID-19 and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Rachel Wagner
The roles of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) in stress-induced cognitive deficits in mice, Xin Zhao
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Rhythmic, Motor, and Non-Motor Dysfunctions in Parkinson’s Disease, A Window Into Regularity Processing, Freezing Of Gait, And Anxiety, Abdullah Al Jaja
The Effect of Active Learning on Viewpoint Dependence for Novel Objects, Cassandra Wallace Bacher
Using Spoken Narratives to Measure Listening Engagement in Children, Sarah Bobbitt
The Role of Autonomic Arousal in Curiosity Sparked by Unsuccessful Memory Recall, Sundari Chatterton
Human neuroimaging reveals that agency in a video game boosts functional connectivity within and between networks, Emily J. Davidson