MPA Major Research Papers

Date of Award


Degree Type

Major Research Paper

Degree Name

Master of Public Administration


Political Science


Jennifer Kirkham

Geographical Areas

City of Orillia, County of Wellington, Township of Essa


The generational shift from Millennials to Generation Z (Gen Z) is perhaps the most critical generational shift for modern day municipalities. While Generation Y, Millennials, and the generations before them continue to play a key role in the direction and success of local government organizations. It is important to analyze the trends of the incoming generation of workers to ensure long-term success and prosperity. This research report revolves around the research question, “How can Ontario municipalities improve their recruitment strategies to attract Generation Z workers?” Ontario municipalities must recognize the values of Gen Z’s and reconfigure their external recruitment practices to better align with the generation’s values. Traditional recruitment practices being used by Ontario municipalities limit the number of potential candidates in Generation Z who will act and apply to the job opening. A brief overview of the study of recruitment is completed to outline the different elements, and legal obligation Ontario municipalities must consider. Through an analysis of the current literature available on the topic, this study recommends several suggestions for Ontario municipalities to consider adopting in order to recruit Gen Z workers. In addition, three case studies for different levels of local government organizations were completed to review their recruitment and hiring procedures.
