
Article Title

We Ate Them: A Tale of Rampant Consumerism


HBO's recent breakout success TV series Westworld stars Anthony Hopkins and Evan Rachel Wood. It is set in a futuristic theme park that has commodified humanities violent impulses including rape and murder. The park allows its wealthy residents to act out their fantasies free of consequence. Westworld depicts the consequences of greed and consumerism that humanity has fallen into. Westworld turns human history and nostalgia, sadism, and women into objects to be sold to the highest bidder. The series proves that no human is impervious to this horrific violence and we all fall victim to our own consumerist desires. The classist and misogynistic overtones of the show create an atmosphere that feeds into the wealthy, elitist, male park goers. As humans continue to demand more and more soon the commodities will be humans, and we will have nothing left.

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