Article Title
Reflecting on the State of the IIPJ and the Condition of Indigenous Peoples Around the World
As we come to the end of 2012, it is natural for the IIPJ contributors, readers, staff, and volunteers to reflect on the work of the Journal and on the reason we all contributed to that work. The year has been, by any standards, a real success. Yet, when we look worldwide, there is still much work to be done. Take, for example, the continuing gap in well-being; it is clear that there are some common problems across the more developed countries. Where efforts to create real partnerships between Indigenous peoples and governments have started, we hope they push forward. Where they have not, then they must start. May this upcoming year, 2013, be a year we look back on with pride for the accomplishments that occur.
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White, J. P.
Reflecting on the State of the IIPJ and the Condition of Indigenous Peoples Around the World. The International Indigenous Policy Journal, 3(4)
. Retrieved from:
DOI: 10.18584/iipj.2012.3.4.2