
The Huron University College Journal of Learning and Motivation

Article Title

Differences in the Effects of Visual Cues on the Hunger of Men and Women


Rachel Levitsky


Twenty men and 20 women from the University o f Western Ontario and its affiliate colleges were recruited to complete a study regarding the effects that images of food have on hunger. It was hypothesized that women would have more increased feelings of hunger after being exposed to images of low-caloric foods than high-caloric foods, and men would have increased feelings of hunger after seeing images of high-caloric foods than low-caloric foods.

Individuals completed a five-point scale o f immediate hunger, and then were shown images of either high-caloric or low-caloric foods, which they wrote a descriptive paragraph about in order to ensure that the images were viewed adequately. Participants then reassessed their hunger on a five-point scale. The results found no main effect for gender (male/female) or food image condition (high-calorie/low-calorie), but an interaction effect was found between the independent variables, F (1,36) = 1.12, p < 0.05, partial p n² = 0.18. Issues and improvements of the design were discussed, as well as suggestions for future studies.

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