
The Huron University College Journal of Learning and Motivation

Article Title

The Influence of Locus of Control and Stress on Performance


Jessica Goyzman


The purpose of this study was to observe whether there is a relationship between locus of control, stress and performance. The hypothesis was that individuals with an internal locus of control will experience less perceived stress and thus will be capable of more successful task performance that individuals with an external locus of control. 40 third-year undergraduate students at the Huron University College participated in the study. Each participant was presented with an eight-page booklet that included a letter of information, a consent form as well as a debriefing form. Each booklet also contained Rotter's I-E scale to measure for externality, an anagram task, and a scale measuring perceived stress. Half of the booklets included a time constraint of two minutes for the anagram task. A 2 X 2 between-subjects ANOVA showed that there was no significant effect of locus of control and stress on performance. Independent t-tests also produced insignificant results. Results are discussed in terms of past and future research and limitations as well as suggestions for future studies £ire examined.

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