
The Huron University College Journal of Learning and Motivation

Article Title

Age Related Differences in Response to Emotional Stimulation


Sunny Diamond


The study of emotional regulation in relation to age has been a growing body of research over the past decade. Research suggests that with age, individuals display superior emotional regulation in response to a sad situation (Charles & Carstenson, 2000). Additionally, older adults are typically considered happier than younger individuals (Mroczek, and Kolarz, 1998). In this study, twelve young and twelve older adults were exposed to both a happy as well as sad song following along with the lyrics. After exposure to both conditions the participants rated how emotional they felt on a scale from 1-10. The higher the score, the more happy or sad they felt from each condition. The results from the sad condition were successful, as the older adults rated the sad song as less emotionally arousing than the younger adults. However, there was no significant difference on ratings in the happiness condition.

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