Home > FPQ > Vol. 4 (2018) > Iss. 2
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Dis-orientation, dis-epistemology and abolition
What is the relation between knowledge and orientation? How does being disoriented lead one to new knowledge or/and to being humbled (tenderized) about not knowing? How can not knowing aid in liberatory struggles, in alleviating oppression or even in being in community with like-minded people in an ethical manner? These are some of the questions that Ami Harbin’s work “Disorientation and Moral Life” brought up for me and which I would like to explore below, using prison abolition as one brief example.
Recommended Citation
Ben-Moshe, Liat. 2018. "Dis-orientation, dis-epistemology and abolition." Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 4, (2). Article 5. https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/fpq/vol4/iss2/5