“To the Glory of God, and in affectionate remembrance, Reverend William Craig, B.D. Canon. Born Jan. 5, 1846. Died Dec. 18, 1919. Rector of this Parish 1911-1919.” Donated by the Congregation. Unveil..
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“To the Glory of God, and in affectionate remembrance, Reverend William Craig, B.D. Canon. Born Jan. 5, 1846. Died Dec. 18, 1919. Rector of this Parish 1911-1919.” Donated by the Congregation. Unveiled October 18, 1924. “Lord, now lettest Thou thy servant depart in peace, according to Thy word.” Luke records the visit of the Holy Family to the Temple, during which Simeon “who was righteous and devout” and Anna, a prophetess of great age, acknowledged and proclaimed the Lord’s Christ who was to be “the light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory your people Israel.” The theme is most appropriate for a rector noted for his close touch with parochial life, his devotional spiritual. Craig served in a number of parishes before going to Clinton for eleven years, and to Christ Church, Petrolia, for nineteen years. For his extensive services to the Church, he was made a canon of St. Paul’s Cathedral in 1904. He joined St. John’s in September 1911. In addition, he served on the Prayer Book Revision Committee of General Synod, to which he brought his great knowledge of liturgics and his scholarly mind. Information from Trumpeting Our Stained Glass Windows, Elizabeth Spicer’s catalogue of the windows from the Church of St. John the Evangelist.
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