Window of the Duffield Baptistry. “This Baptistry given to the Glory of God. And in Loving Memory of our Parents Audrey H. and Willian L. Duffield.” Christ, in a white robe and red mantle with gold borders, lovingly hold a young Child. Under His feet are flowers of pink, blue, and yellow, and His nimbus rests against a blue sky. Above His head, the leaves of a tree surround a font and a cross. The window is an integral part of the Baptistry created during the building project of 1954 – 1956. Its soft colours blend with the blue of the Baptistry and its gold stars. A feeling of peace and serenity surrounds the Manigault font, creating a space of rest and contemplation. The generations of the Duffield family were faithful and devoted to the church. J.C. Duffield, Superintendent of the London Gas Works, was subscriber to the church’s Building Fund of 1886 – 1887. In 1952, William L. Duffield was Chairman of the Sustaining Fund. W.E. Duffield served on the financial campaign of November 1968 during the rectorship of Terry Finlay. Information from Trumpeting Our Stained Glass Windows, Elizabeth Spicer’s catalogue of the windows from the Church of St. John the Evangelist.
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