North Transept arm-east wall; To the Glory of God in Loving Memory of/ Adolf Egener, Sept 26, 1854-Jan. 27, 1927. And His Wife/Louise Isobel Tristram, Nov. 22 1850-Nov 14, 1937. /The Gift of Their Son..
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North Transept arm-east wall; To the Glory of God in Loving Memory of/ Adolf Egener, Sept 26, 1854-Jan. 27, 1927. And His Wife/Louise Isobel Tristram, Nov. 22 1850-Nov 14, 1937. /The Gift of Their Son When Organist of This Church (l1): Te Deum Laudamus; Te Deum laudamus is Latin for “God, We Praise You.” Sometimes knowns as the “Ambrosian hymnal,” a reference to St. Ambrose, and is among the oldest hymnal dating probably from around the 4th Century. It is often sung at moments of celebration. The choice of Cecilia relates to the common association of her as the patron saint of music in Catholic and Anglican traditions. In the left window Cecilia is seated a piano, her attribute. Behind her stands an angel playing a violin. The right light in the diptych pair has two additional angels, one playing a harp and the other holds and sings from a hymnal. To The Glory of God/And All That Sing To Him./Erected By The Choir of This Church.(l2) L1) “We Praise Thee God” L2) Thou Art The Kingdom of Glory, O Christ. L2 scroll: Praise the Lord
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