Master of Science
Foods and Nutrition
Dr. Leonard Piche
Purpose: To determine the nutrient adequacy of the diet of older adults living in a retirement community (RC). Methods: Residents were surveyed using a 21-item Health Questionnaire and Three Day Food Records were used to estimate the adequacy of their diets. Food records were analyzed using ESHA Food Processor®; all data were tabulated and analyzed using SPSS version 19 software. Results: Response rate, 28.7%; mean age, 86 ± 8.1 years; mean BMI, 25.6 ± 4.6 kg/m2; polypharmacy, 75%; health conditions (most nutrition-related), 75%; 60% performed between 30-150 min of physical activity/week. Participants met the EER and AMDRs for macro-nutrients; ≥50% had inadequate intakes for six micro-nutrients and fibre; females met the recommended number of food-guide-servings for two food groups, while males consumed significantly less than the recommendations for all four food groups. Conclusion: Based on food intake, without supplements, there was a high prevalence of nutrient inadequacies amongst RC residents.
Recommended Citation
Alharbi, Ohood M., "Residents Living in a Retirement Community Are at Risk for Numerous Nutrient Inadequacies" (2012). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 797.