Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository


Master of Science




Regan, Sandra

2nd Supervisor

Donelle, Lorie


Purpose: This research study intended to understand how a new model of palliative home care in Ontario, Canada called eShift aligned with the needs of caregivers who cared for a family member at the end-of-life.

Methods: A qualitative secondary analysis using a deductive content analysis of 14 caregiver interviews, three decision-maker interviews, and six home care agency documents collected in a three-year study and were analyzed using The Caregiver Policy Lens framework.

Findings: The eShift model of care met caregivers’ needs through timely access to respite, education, collaborating with the health care team, and physical and psychological support. Caregivers were supported in their caregiving role, however, they felt continuity of care could be improved.

Conclusion: This study suggests that the eShift model of palliative home care provides many of the supports needed by caregivers while they care for family members in the home at the end-of-life.
