Doctor of Philosophy
Dr. Bird, Steve
This convergent mixed methods study aimed to find out how a self-regulated learning (SRL) instructional intervention could impact the Palestinian students’ second language (L2) writing and strategy use. L2 writers face common writing challenges, including but not limited to a lack of competences, effective writing approach, proactive planning, motivation, and self-efficacy (Hammad, 2016). Helping the students to overcome their challenges, improve their L2 writing, and become self-regulated writers was an expected outcome of the study. The study was informed by the social cognitive theory of SRL that views successful writers as proactive and self-regulated learners. In the quantitative part, a quasi-experimental design with writing pre-tests and post-tests was used to compare changes to the writing scores of 32 SRL students with the writing scores of 34 students in a control group. In the qualitative part, the study utilized interviews, diary studies, and observation to explore the students’ experiences with SRL instruction to find out if it helped them develop and use SRL strategies that would impact their L2 writing.
The findings showed that the students who received SRL instruction significantly outperformed those who received regular instruction. The study suggested that SRL instruction was effective for improving students’ writing achievement. SRL instruction was also relevant to help the students alleviate their writing challenges and enhance their SRL strategy use. It helped them become more active and self-regulated learners who would contribute to their academic success. Their improved motivation, self-identities (self-efficacy, self-concept, self-esteem), autonomy, and empowerment were among several influences that contributed to their learning.
The study suggested that teachers should engage their learners in constructive learning environments where they feel safe, take risks, exchange roles and experiences, make decisions, and enjoy constructive feedback. The employment of teaching methods should depend on addressing L2 learners’ needs rather than on following a certain approach per se. While modelling and direct instruction proved to be effective for enhancing learning, facilitation and dialogue could contribute to more successful learning.
Recommended Citation
Almazloum, Mohammed, "A Mixed Methods Study: The Impact of Self-Regulated Learning on L2 Writing and Strategy Use" (2018). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 5355.
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