Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository

Thesis Format



Master of Science



Collaborative Specialization

Planetary Science and Exploration


Flemming, Roberta


The Abadla 002 meteorite is a relatively new find, discovered December of 2021. It was determined to be a Type 2 CM meteorite distinguished by containing chondrules, hydrated minerals, and refractory inclusions. Petrologic methods in this study of Abadla 002 CM2 include analysis by polarizing and reflected light microscope, micro-X-ray fluorescence, micro-X-ray diffraction, and electron microprobe analysis. This thesis provides a comprehensive petrological study of the chondrules (30 vol% abundance), refractory inclusions like calcium-aluminum inclusions (CAIs) (2.5 vol% abundance), fine grained rims, matrix, isolated mineral grains, sulfides/metals, and fusion crust within the Abadla 002 meteorite. The Abadla 002 samples lacked expected hibonite-bearing CAIs, only spinel-bearing CAIs were found. Other significant findings during this study include reaction rims within chondrules where olivine grains are centralized and surrounded by pyroxene minerals, an unusually textured olivine grain (Fa50), and well-defined elemental composition patterns of fine-grained rims around chondrules and CAIs within Abadla 002.

Summary for Lay Audience

Carbonaceous chondrites are meteorites that have not experienced enough thermal processes to have altered the original material. This is significant as these types of meteorites are records of the early solar system conditions in which they formed. CM chondrites, a group within the carbonaceous chondrite class are known to experience aqueous alterations. The water present in phyllosilicate minerals alters the composition and textures of materials within CM chondrites. These materials include chondrules, dark fine-grained matrices, and refractory inclusions.

The Abadla 002 meteorite was discovered in December 2021 in Bechar Algeria. This meteorite was classified as a CM chondrite by A. Ross, and C. Agee. Some compositional data was collected in order to determine the range of petrologic alteration Abadla 002 may have experienced. The petrographic type was classified as a 2, meaning some alterations have occurred, and the meteorite is not completely pristine. This information was recorded in the Meteoritical Bulletin, and Abadla 002 was named an official meteorite, a CM2.

Apart from the initial classification, this meteorite has not been studied further. This thesis focuses on characterizing the Abadla 002 meteorite by implementation multiple analysis techniques such as optical petrography, micro-X-ray fluorescence (µXRF), micro-X-ray diffraction (µXRD), and electron microprobe analysis (EPMA). In-depth analyses of chondrules, refractory inclusions, metals, sulfides and the characteristic dark matrix of CMs were analyzed and reported in this thesis, along with unexpected features found within the meteorite.
