Thesis Format
Integrated Article
Master of Engineering Science
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Eagleson, Roy A.
2nd Supervisor
de Ribaupierre, Sandrine
Extended reality applications in medical learning offer an innovative and immersive approach to enhancing educational experiences with complex data. This thesis delves into the role of multimodal reality applications within anatomical education, surgical supervision, and data visualization. Our primary goal is to examine the development frameworks of these applications and their integration with traditional web applications and cloud services while assessing their feasibility and efficacy. To accomplish this, we developed three distinct projects, each utilizing a different modality of extended reality technology. Our findings reveal that, although challenges exist in implementation and adapting to specific environments, these applications demonstrate significant potential. The development frameworks described alleviate significant challenges in developing extended reality applications to overcome platform constraints and create complex interconnected systems.
Summary for Lay Audience
Establishing defined use cases for how reality applications are applied can be difficult, and improper usage can do more harm than good. This thesis explores three case studies demonstrating how each modality of extended reality can be applied in the medical field. Each application uses the reality medium to its strengths, visualizing and interacting with complex three-dimensional data while still integrating traditional web applications and services built with modern web frameworks when applicable.
The first project explores how augmented reality can empower a digital learning platform for learning anatomy. Students interact with a mobile app to explore models in free play, conduct quizzes assigned to them by educators and participate collaboratively in a shared AR environment. In the web application, students can view their quizzes, models, and past performances, while educators can organize classes, view class-wide results, and assign quizzes.
The second project explores how a mixed reality system can assist an evaluator in guiding a resident through a procedure. A mixed reality headset and a Microsoft surface exchange audio and video, and the evaluator can draw annotations for the HoloLens 2 to provide real-time pointers in their space. The users can review a recording of the session and the events on a web application.
The final project explores how MRI volumes can be automatically processed and visualized in a virtual reality application. Users upload an MRI volume to a web application, which is then automatically processed, segmented, and surfaced. The resulting output can be visualized in a browser or explored in a virtual environment.
The results of these projects show that while generally well received and suitable for visualizing complex data, it is crucial to consider environmental constraints and how features affect user experience.
Recommended Citation
Bilbie, Liam, "Development of Web-Integrated Extended Reality Applications in Medical Care" (2024). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 10447.