Education Publications
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
Elsevier International Encyclopedia of Education, 4th edition
Diversity, Democracy, and Social Justice in Education
First Page
Last Page
For more than a century, distinct forms of global/international education have emerged across diverse national and local contexts. Despite their heterogeneity, it is possible to discern some similar features in regards to the larger visions of global/international education as well as to their real-world manifestations finding expression under the larger sweep of Eurocentric modernity. This article takes a conceptual and analytic approach in suturing the vocabularies, aims, practices and challenges of these multiple trajectories of global/international education with specific focus on the tensions arising out of the normative aspirations of teaching for ‘diversity, democracy and social justice’ in the K-12 domain.
Citation of this paper:
Tarc, P. (2023). Encyclopedia entry – K-12 global/international education: dancing with “diversity, democracy, and social justice” (Volume: Diversity, democracy, and social justice in education). In R. Tierney, F. Rizvi, K. Ercikan, & G. Smith. International Encyclopaedia of Education (4th Edition) (pp. 139-150). Amsterdam: Elsevier.