Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science




Dr. Dianne Bryant

Second Advisor

Dr. Peter Fowler


We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate current knowledge regarding the diagnostic validity ofthe physical examination maneuvers for shoulder pathology. We performed a literature search using the databases MEDLINE, CINAHL and EMBASE. Two independent reviewers assessed the titles and abstracts identified in the literature search. This was followed by a full text review ofstudies identified in the titles and abstracts review. A total of 55 articles were eligible for inclusion into the review. Overall, studies were ofpoor methodological quality and demonstrated a high degree ofbetween study heterogeneity for studies evaluating the same test. In some cases, heterogeneity could be explained by removing studies with poor methodological quality. The results indicate that the diagnostic validity ofthese clinical tests remains uncertain. A methodologically rigorous study was proposed to determine the validity ofthe physical examination maneuvers for rotator cuffpathology, labral lesions, instability and acromioclavicular abnormalities.



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