Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Education




Dr. Alan Edmunds


The literature strongly suggests that students can be more successful academically when they are organized. Therefore, this research was conducted to determine ifa cognitive learning strategy was effective in helping Grade 5 students develop their organizational skills. The Student Organizational Rating Scale was created to determine the level oforganizational skills students possessed. Twelve Grade 5 students and three teachers (from three schools in Southwestern Ontario) participated. The participating students were the most disorganized students in their classroom as determined by the Student Organizational Rating Scale. The primary finding ofthis study was that Cognitive Credit Cards (CCCs) helped many students improve their organizational skills, academic progress, homework completion, and self-esteem. The major implication from these findings is that teachers need to be aware ofthis strategy so they can assist students to improve their organizational skills. Training teachers to use the CCC method and having them understand the best way to implement it will help many students develop their organizational skills which ultimately will lead to increased self-esteem and academic improvements.



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