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Nave – north wall, window 1 of 3, east to west; To the Glory of God/And in Loving Memory of/James Cummings Duffield and/Agnes Munro His Wife./Erected by/Their Children (across both windows); “Lord Now Lettest (l1) Thou Thy Servant Depart in Peace.”(l2): Luke 2:29; The two lights depict one of few episodes from the Christ’s childhood and is take from Luke 2: 22-40. As was costume, Mary and Joseph traveled to the Temple in Jerusalem for “purification” after childbirth and the Judaic tradition of the “redemption of the first-born son.” To pay for the rights, Mary and Joseph brought two turtledoves (or pigeons) because they were poor (Leviticus 12:8). The offering had to be made 40 days after the child’s birth (Leviticus 12:1-4). Upon entering the temple, Simeon who, according to Luke’s Gospel, stated he would not die until he sees the savior. The story unfolds across both lights: the left depicts Joseph, who carries two-caged doves and Mary. The right window depicts Simeon holding the Christ child and behind him stands Anna, who is believed to prophesize Christs coming.

Associated Church

London, Middlesex Deanery, Bishop Cronyn London

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.


Stained Glass, Robert McCausland


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