"No and Ny" by Baholisoa Simone Ralalaoherivony, Jeannot Fils Ranaivoson et al.
Western Papers in Linguistics / Cahiers linguistiques de Western

Article Title

No and Ny In Official Malagasy and Bezanozano


The goal of this paper is to describe four uses of the particle no in Official Malagasy (OM) and then to compare these realizations to those in Bezanozano (Bz), a Malagasy dialect spoken in the area of Moramanga.1 We will show that three of the functions of no in OM have the same realization in Bz, but that the fourth use takes a different form. Importantly, this form is identical to the determiner in this dialect, making the construction quite similar to related languages in the Philippines such as Tagalog, and unrelated languages such as Kaqchikel, a Mayan language spoken in Guatemala. We will show, however, that the Bezanozano construction falls between the pattern of OM and the pattern of Tagalog/Kaqchikel. The particle used is in form is quite similar to the determiner but in function quite different.

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