The Workshop for Instruction in Library Use | Western University

The Workshop for Instruction in Library Use


The Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (WILU) is Canada’s only conference devoted to library instruction, information literacy, and information fluency. Sessions explore both research-based and applied subject matter, and are attended by librarians from Canada, the United States, and beyond with a variety of teaching and learning interests. It is notable that WILU is not affiliated with any association or organizing body – instead, since its inception 1972, it has been sustained and passed on from year to year through the collaborative efforts of hosting institutions.

Browse the contents of The Workshop for Instruction in Library Use:

WILU 2019: Engaging Place and Practice
The University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg. May 22, 2019 May 24, 2019
WILU 2018: Information into Action
University of Ottawa, Ottawa Ontario 6-8 June 2018
WILU 2017: Engage Expand Explore
University of Alberta, Edmonton Alberta 23-25 May 2017
WILU 2016: Intersections
University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC 30 May - ! June, 2016
WILU 2015 Sea Change
Memorial University, St John's Newfoundland 15-17 June 2015
WILU 2014 E-magine the Possibilities
Western University, London Ontario 21-24 May 2014
WILU 2013: Synchronicity, the time is now
University of New Brunswick Fredericton 8-10 May 2013
WILU 2012: Vigour, Thrift, and Resourcefulness
Grant MacEwan University, Edmonton, Alberta 23-25 May 2012
WILU 2011: Learning under living skies
University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan 1-3 June 2011
WILU 2010: Design, Learn, Play
McMaster University, Hamilton Ontario May 12-14, 2010
WILU 2009: Reflections / Réflexions
Concordia University Montréal Québec 25-27 May 2009
WILU 2008: Information literacy uncorked
UBC Okanagan, Kelowna 14-16 May 2008
WILU 2007: Teach every angle
York University Toronto Ontario May 16-18 2007
WILU 2006: Charting a course for instruction
Acadia University Wolfville Nova Scotia May 10-12 2006