Languages and Cultures Digital Initiatives

The Hispanic Baroque: Complexity in the First Atlantic Culture

Document Type

Web Site

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n.b. Link to archived pages via the Internet Archive's way back machine.

The Hispanic Baroque invita cordialmente al próximo Coloquio "Agustín De Hipona En España, Política, Cultura e Historía" que se llevará acabo este 23 y 24 de Febrero, 2012 en el Instituto de España, Casa de Velázquez. Este coloquio ha sido posible en parte con el patrocinio del MCRI Hispanic Baroque. Esta sesión cuenta además con la colaboración del grupo de investigación The Hispanic Baroque y la Universidad McGill, gracias a la implicación del profesor Jesús Pérez Magallón, coorganizador de esta manifestación

The project, “The Hispanic Baroque: Complexity in the first Atlantic culture”, is the fruit of efforts of a group of 35 researchers from universities in different countries (Canada, Spain, Mexico, Australia, England, Bolivia and the United States) from different disciplines (Literary Studies, History, Sociology, Fine Art, Music & Musicology, Anthropology, Geography, Computer Science, Architecture & Mathematics). Over the next seven years, the team will study the origin, evolution, transmission and effectiveness of the baroque patterns of behaviour and representation in the Hispanic world. The project is financed by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, by way of a Major Collaborative Research Initiatives grant totaling $2.5 million. With the contributions of the partners, the budget approaches $4 million.

The objectives of the project are: to describe the most common, resistant baroque patterns in different environments; to establish its relationship with processes of social identity and organization; to analyze the technologies of culture that have made this adaptability of the baroque possible; to determine its effectiveness based on the reappearance in Neo-baroque phenomena of the contemporary world; with the participation of other disciplines, to create new tools that fortify investigation methods in the humanities. This project covers three fundamental dimensions: research, student training, and the diffusion of created knowledge.

(From the Web site)
