Law Publications


Research in Law Publications examines business and international law from a global perspective, with a focus on gender and aboriginal equity, activism and copyright. This research has an impact not just on other scholars, but also on domestic and international policy, business, health, government, and civil litigation.


Submissions from 2012

Understanding the Voluntariness Requirement in Criminal Law, Andrew Botterell


Fairness in International Economic Law and Relations, Chios Carmody

Causing Loss by Unlawful Means: Should the High Court of Australia follow OBG Ltd v Allan?, Jason Neyers


What (is) a Nuisance?, Jason Neyers and Jordan Diacur


Contextual Investigation and Prosecution of Sexual Violence Crimes, Valerie Oosterveld


Gender and the Charles Taylor Case at the Special Court for Sierra Leone, Valerie Oosterveld

Prosecuting Gender-Based Persecution as an International Crime, Valerie Oosterveld


Recent Developments in International Criminal Law: 2011-2012, Valerie Oosterveld

The Implications for Women of a Shrinking Humanitarian Space, Valerie Oosterveld


Women and Girls Fleeing Conflict: Gender and the Interpretation and Application of the 1951 Refugee Convention, Valerie Oosterveld


Mobilizing Intellectual Property Expertise [MIPE] Final Report, Margaret Ann Wilkinson, Mark Perry, and Richard McLaren

Submissions from 2011


Review of Arthur Ripstein, Force and Freedom, Andrew Botterell

Rights in Reverse: International Rights as Obligations, Chios Carmody

Explaining the Inexplicable? Four Manifestations of Abuse of Rights in English Law, Jason Neyers


Atrocity Crimes Litigation Year-in- Review (2010): A Gender Perspective, Valerie Oosterveld

Evaluating the Special Court for Sierra Leone’s gender jurisprudence, Valerie Oosterveld

Forced Marriage and the Special Court for Sierra Leone: Legal Advances and Conceptual Difficulties, Valerie Oosterveld

Gender-Based Crimes Against Humanity, Valerie Oosterveld

International Criminal Law Year in Review: 2009-2010, Valerie Oosterveld


The Gender Jurisprudence of the Special Court for Sierra Leone: Progress in the Revolutionary United Front Judgments, Valerie Oosterveld

Early Warning Signs on Olympia & York: an Introduction, Thomas G. W. Telfer


Access to Digital Information: Gift or Right?, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Intellectual Property Rights in the Canada-United States Relationship, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Liability of the Crown, Wade Wright, Peter Hogg, and Patrick Monahan

Submissions from 2010


Contractual Performance, Corrective Justice, and Disgorgement for Breach of Contract, Andrew Botterell