Law Publications


Research in Law Publications examines business and international law from a global perspective, with a focus on gender and aboriginal equity, activism and copyright. This research has an impact not just on other scholars, but also on domestic and international policy, business, health, government, and civil litigation.


Submissions from 2014


Modes of Reasoning in WTO Law, Chios Carmody


Gendering Processes of Institutional Design: Activists at the Negotiating Table, Sheila Meintjes, Alice Brown, and Valerie Oosterveld


Constructive Ambiguity and the Meaning of “Gender” for the International Criminal Court, Valerie Oosterveld


Gender at the Intersection and International Refugee Law and International Criminal Law, Valerie Oosterveld


International Law: Doctrine, Practice and Theory, Valerie Oosterveld


Procedural Steps Addressing Sexual and Gender-based Violence: the Legacy of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and its Application in the Special Court for Sierra Leone, Valerie Oosterveld


Sexual Violence Directed Against Men and Boys in Armed Conflict or Mass Atrocity: Addressing a Gendered Harm in International Criminal Tribunals, Valerie Oosterveld

Sexual violence in conflict and post-conflict societies: international agendas and African contexts, Valerie Oosterveld

The representation of rape by the special court for sierra leone, Valerie Oosterveld

The Sierra Leone Special Court and its legacy: the impact for Africa and international criminal law, Valerie Oosterveld


Training Lawyers, Cultivating Citizens, and Re-Enchanting the Legal Professional, David Sandomierski


Repeat Bankruptcies and the Integrity of the Canadian Bankruptcy Process, Thomas G. W. Telfer

Ruin and Redemption: The Struggle for a Canadian Bankruptcy Act, 1867-1919, Thomas G. W. Telfer


Copyright Users' Rights in International Law, Margaret Ann Wilkinson


The Confidentiality of Seclusion: Studying Information Flows to Test Intellectual Property Paradigms, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Submissions from 2013


By the Ties of Natural Justice and Equity, Andrew Botterell

Review of Katy Barnett, Accounting for Profit for Breach of Contract, Andrew Botterell


Fairness in WTO Law, Chios Carmody


The Shirts On Our Backs: The Rana Plaza Disaster, Interdependence, and the Shifting Locus of Responsibility, Chios Carmody


What is Fairness in WTO Law?, Chios Carmody

Tort Law: Challenging Orthodoxy Introduction, Jason Neyers


The Influence of domestic Legal Traditions on the Gender Jurisprudence of International Criminal Tribunals, Valerie Oosterveld


How to Build a Better Budget for Toronto, David Sandomierski


The Context of the Supreme Court's Copyright Cases, Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Canadian Intellectual Property Law: Cases and Materials, Margaret Ann Wilkinson, Gregory Hagan, Cameron Hutchison, David Lametti, Graham Reynolds, and Teresa Scassa