Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository

Thesis Format



Master of Arts


Hispanic Studies


Wolff, Victoria.


Violeta Parra (1917-1967) fue una artista multidisciplinaria chilena. A partir de su muerte, su obra adquirió mayor reconocimiento y, consecuentemente, su voz y su legado han trascendido el tiempo y las fronteras. El presente trabajo surge desde los estudios culturales de género sobre la voz como materialización de la unicidad de cada persona y su vínculo con la comunidad. Por lo que la voz de Violeta Parra, audible y discursiva, resultaría una huella de su identidad. Así, esta tesis es una aproximación a la voz de Parra, cuyo fin es comprender qué revela su voz escritural en Décimas: autobiografía en verso (1970) sobre ella y su relación con su cultura. Y a partir de esto, analizar el imaginario actual sobre la artista representado en el filme Violeta se fue a los cielos de Andrés Wood (2011) para comprender cómo se relaciona esta representación con lo expresado por la propia artista.

Summary for Lay Audience

Violeta Parra (1917-1967) was a multidisciplinary Chilean artist, she was a singer, a songwriter, a folklorist, an oral tradition compiler, a ceramist and a poet. Since her death, her oeuvre gains more recognition, and because of that, her voice and her legacy have transcended time and borders. This work arises from cultural and gender studies, in which voice manifests to communicate the uniqueness of the person who emits it, and also, materializes the link between the person with his or her culture and community. Therefore, Violeta Parra’s voice, audible and discursive, would mean the mark of her identity. Furthermore, this thesis is an approach to her voice, with the objective of understanding how her writing voice came together and what it reveals about her and her relationship with her community; this through the analysis of her poetic and autobiographic book Décimas: autobiografía en verso (1970). Then, the analysis will focus on the film Violeta Went to Heaven (2011) directed by Andrés Wood. This film is the first and only fictional film about Violeta Parra’s life and also the most recent visual document about her. For these reasons, reflecting on the film will help us understand the most common and contemporary imagery about Parra, and whether or not it is related to her own voice and her own expression as depicted in her autobiography.

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