Entrehojas: Revista de Estudios Hispánicos: Call for Papers
En español

Call for Papers

Ninth Issue

Entrehojas: Revista de Estudios Hispánicos is a virtual, heterogeneous, and open access journal edited by graduate students from the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at the University of Western Ontario. The journal is published annually online and includes previously unpublished articles, interviews, and book reviews in the fields of literature, linguistics, and digital humanities written by graduate students. Our objective is to facilitate and promote the construction of the academic communities and networks that strengthen the dialogue between graduate students on a national and international level. While we welcome submissions that fall within the established academic traditions, Entrehojas encourages the submission of manuscripts that reflect new and innovative approaches to research within the humanities.

The deadline for the submission of manuscripts for the ninth issue of Entrehojas is January 31st, 2019.

Following are the instructions for the submission of material:

1. Articles:

No longer than 10,000 words.

All articles must include an abstract in both English and Spanish that does not exceed 200 words, along with 5 key words.

2. Academics interviews (researchers, writers, or artists):

No longer than 10,000 words.

May include authors’ notes/commentaries.

3. Book/Article reviews:

No longer than 4,000 words.

The reviewed text must have been published within the previous two years of the submission date.

4. Proceedings:

No longer than 5,000 words.

All proceedings must include an abstract in both English and Spanish that does not exceed 200 words, along with 5 key words.

Submissions in both Spanish and English will be accepted. All manuscripts must conform to standardized guidelines for formatting, i.e., MLA (literature) and APA (linguistics). The author may use another formatting style provided that it is used consistently and that the author considers it necessary for the particular aims of their investigation.

For further details about possible themes/areas of investigation, click here